The top 2 reason why consumers prefer to shop online vs. in-store appear to be related to
greater convenience…
…primarily having products delivered and being able to shop at convenient times. Consumers
like receiving offers/promotions, and perceive online shopping to be cheaper than in-store
Consumers buy their health, beauty and cosmetic products most commonly from Qoo10
Average spend varies from below $30 to $500 with the average spend being $97
Online shoppers are price sensitive and will shop where prices are low or special offers are available
Delivery options also sway the choice of where to shop; as well as consumer preference, product
and brand range, and ease of navigation on the website.
In general, online shoppers either browse a particular site’s sales, or search for their
brand/product within that site
Relatively few shoppers begin the shopper journey through a search engine; although some
might go to different websites to compare prices before purchasing.