


While all concepts performed very well individually among Working Women, when compared to
one another CONCEPT A product idea is a clear number one rank.
This idea is followed by B and C, both performing very well.
Reasons for 1st rank preference varied, with taste, overall appeal and nutrition being key drivers.

Overall, the Superfruit Powder product idea was received well among working consumers with
the majority rating in within the top 2 box.

Compared to the other product ideas however, this idea scored below the average
on all key measures.

Q5. How likely would you be to buy this product if it were available where you regularly shop at an acceptable price?
| Q5a. Why is it that you are likely to buy this product? | Q5b. Why is it that you are not likely to buy this product?

Base: All consumers 107 | Likely to buy 72 | Unlikely to buy 35
*Note: Top 2 Box Average – average score across concepts shown within cell